Roman Prokofyev

New-Based Trading at LGT Capital Partners. Tech Advisor at FAIRTIQ. django hosting

08 Jan 2012 » django,, en,, prestashop-sync, hosting

I’ve recently configured python hosting (in my case - django) and found it to be really nice. All configuration and deployment process took me about 2 hours and 50% of the time took writing of requirements.txt file describing my apps’ dependencies.

Documentation on the site is very straightforward and clear, and there is a special deployment script that makes all process very handy. Moreover, epio **supplies one dynamic app instance and celery process for free (like on Google App Engine)! Actually that was the feature that finally convinced me to choose instead of (On **gondor, I need to pay 10$ for each slot, thus for 1 Django WSGI + PostgreSQL + Celery = 30$ per month at least).

So now you can find a copy of Prestashop-Sync on epio, at It can be used if the main site is offline for some reason (but Databases there are not synced).